Hearts and Hands Ministry

The Hearts and Hands ministries of the Orange Presbyterian Church were established in late 2021 to provide opportunities for OPC to show love and support for those in our wider community.

Hearts and Hands currently focuses on:

Café Chat

A conversational café for those who want to practise their English language skills, Café Chat is open every second Monday from 10am – 12 noon and an evening Café is also held 7 -9 pm. This is an informal and welcoming environment and food and drinks are provided free of charge.

Café Chat team members often build friendships with those who come along to Café Chat by sharing time and activities outside the designated Café opening times.

For more information on Café Chat and to confirm opening times please contact the office and ask that your details be passed on to Rhonda.

Refugee Support

Since late 2022 OPC has been actively supporting the settlement of Refugees in Orange through the CRISP (Community Refugee Integration and Settlement Pilot) program and through support of refugee families newly arrived in Orange.

This support consists of financial support, and help with accessing income support, health care, dental care and education; as well as providing friendship and a welcoming environment for families commencing a new life in a new country.  

For more information about Refugee Support contact the office and ask that your details be passed on to Kate Baxter.

Frozen Meals

Frozen meals can be made available to those in the community who require a meal. Perhaps a person is unwell, a new baby has arrived, a family has moved house, or someone is injured. For more information about Frozen Meals contact the office

Gifts and Toiletries Drive for Housing Plus

Since 2022 Orange Presbyterian Church has undertaken toiletry and gift drives (usually twice per year) to assist Housing Plus to distribute essential personal items for those in the Orange community in need. Items are donated by Orange Presbyterian Church members for use by Housing Plus.