Pip Squeaks
What is Pip Squeaks?
Pip Squeaks is a music and movement group for preschoolers (ages 0-5 years) and their carers. We meet Tuesday mornings during school term from 9.30-11.00am at our church building. Together we sing, clap, shake, make music, dance and play.
The program
We begin Pip Squeaks with singing, clapping, movement, and an exploration of child-friendly musical instruments and toys. This is followed by a Bible story and a ‘think spot’ for the adults. The music program is designed to develop a lifelong love of music, singing and rhythm and early musical concepts.
Morning tea is provided, followed by free play inside or outside.
Parent/Carer involvement
We encourage all parents and caregivers to participate as much as possible. Your child will follow your lead and love having fun with you while we all sing, clap and make music. Please be mindful that side conversations can be distracting during the program. There will be plenty of time to chat over morning tea.
Pre-registration is not required. When you arrive for the first time, we will ask you to fill in a contact form. And each week, please sign in using our paper form.
A weekly gold coin donation (or approx. $20 per term) is appreciated to help cover the cost of morning tea and resources.
Our current theme
Our sessions are grouped by theme and that theme changes roughly every 3 weeks. We sing songs about topics like The Farm; My Body; Colours; Holidays; Easter; Around the House; and Christmas.
You can find our playlists on Spotify, if you’d like to sing along at home or in the car.
More about Pip Squeaks
Real fun. Real relationships. Real Jesus
We aim to create a space where everyone has fun. Parents/carers and children have fun with each other. Children have fun singing, eating and playing. Adults have fun, spending time with new and old friends.
We hope to show the real Jesus through the bible story and ‘think spot’ .
A simple morning tea of fruit, crackers and water is served for the children. You are welcome to bring your child’s morning tea, please help to keep everyone safe, we are a nut-free space. Adults can enjoy a slice of homemade cake with tea or coffee.
If you would like to join the roster to bake a cake, muffins, cupcakes or slice, for Pip Squeaks please let us know using the link below to contact us.
Our leaders
Our leaders are parents who are passionate about music and family relationships. We are all Christians and members of Orange Presbyterian Church, and have had Child Protection training and clearance checks.
Feel free to ask our leaders any questions about Pip Squeaks, other activities run by our church, or how we can help you or your children know more about Jesus.
Contact us.
For more information, please get in touch using our online form, or the contact details in the footer below.